STOCKIST APPLICATION Stockist Application "*" indicates required fields Contact Name*Business Name*Email* Website Link*ABN /ACN*Years in Business*0-12 MONTHS1-2 YEARS2-3 YEARS3+ YEARSYears using U RESIN Products*0-12 MONTHS1-2 YEARS2-3 YEARS3+ YEARSNOT USED BEFOREDo you Sell Other Art SuppliesYesNoStudio / Store / Business Address*Why do you want to become a U RESIN Stockist?*Business Socials* Facebook Instagram TikTok YouTube Other Select AllWhich U RESIN Products do you wish to stock?* U RESIN Liquid Glass / UltraCoat U RESIN Cast U RESIN OceanCast U RESIN Pigments Other Select AllApprox. Stockist spend per month?*Additional CommentsPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ